Community Groups
Small groups meet at various host homes and at the church to discuss applying what we learn from the Bible and our programming in our lives. During these meetings, we take time to pray for one another, encourage, share food, and enjoy each other's company. We seek to make our Community Groups the "web" that connects everything we do at KBC! If you're interested in getting connected, this is a great place to start. Email the pastor at bwheeler@kenmorebaptistchurch.com for more information.
Children's Ministry and Youth Group
We offer nursery care, Sunday school, and children's ministry during our Sunday gatherings for corporate worship. Our volunteers all have background checks and training in sexual abuse awareness and prevention. This is a safe place where your children will be taught the Bible and encouraged to grow in love for God and one another and in Christian character.
Our youth group—AfterShock—meets weekly on Sunday evenings for fun, fellowship, and devotional times. For more information, contact our Christian education director at christianed@kenmorebaptistchurch.com.

Nursing Home Worship Services
Once a month, our deaconesses and pastor provide the residences of a local nursing home in the community with a communion worship service. If you're interested in serving the elderly, this is a great ministry for you to get involved in!